
Which animal are you in the Wild World Blockchain Jungle ?

NOOR X is a digital product agency that focuses on 3P strategy  » Triple Bottom Lines » : People – Planet – Profit :

People, Planet & Profits refer to 3 sustaitainability concepts as a  » triple bottom lines  » environmental measures for global sustainability for World Animals Protection.

With animal force, an ecosystem and shields in protection, the blockchain is like the jungle with its inhabitants, its laws, its rules, its ferocity, its chaos, its risks and its fragility.

There is the king the lion  » BTC « and other animals such as the leopard » Eth « and other animals such as
cicadas such as » dogecoin « but many other » cryptos « animals as dangerous or protective like the Elephant with the Stablecoins.

Thanks to our NFT & tokenized creations, we deeply believe with our community that the power of technology
will protect the animal biodiversity of the « human » jungle.



The Crew

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Our Philosophy

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